Phonium_ su consultoría especializada en acústica en Barcelona
DESCUBRENuestra misión: controlar el ruido para minimizar su impacto en la población y preservar la convivencia y la salud del ciudadano.
"El silencio es el descanso del ruido."
Calidad acústica del territorio, Evaluación del ruido ambiental, Población expuesta, Redacción de normatives ambientales.
Calidad acústica de las actividades i en la edificación, Evaluación del impacto acústico, Prescripciones y medidas correctivas, Cumplimiento de las normativas vigentes.
Problemas de vecindario, Evaluación de la inmisión sonora, Prescripciones y medidas correctivas, Peritaje y asistencia jurídica.
Contaminación acústica, territorio y población expuesta.
Actividades e infraestructuras.
Edificios nuevos o rehabilitados.
Recintos, Salas de concierto, estudios de grabación.
Locales de ocio y manifestaciones socio-culturales.
Estudios, informes acústicos i periciales.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current needs
By offering the best professional services and quality products in the market. Don't hesitate and get in touch with us.
Need a solid foundation for your business growth plans? Aria will help you manage sales and meet your current requirements.
Ingeniero acústico titular del Máster de Acústica Arquitectónica y Medioambiental (MAAM La Salle Barcelona)
y de la Licenciatura en Física de las Vibraciones y Fenómenos Acústicos (Universidad Paris XIII).
Músico y afinador de pianos. Nativo francés, afincado en Barcelona desde 1999.
Docencia en acústica musical “OÍR, Elementos de Acústica Musical”.
Idiomas hablados: francés, castellano, catalán e inglés.
Consultante acústico
DECRET 176/2009, REAL DECRETO 1367/2007, UNE ISO 1996-1/2, UNE ISO 16283-1/2/3, UNE ISO 3382-1/2, UNE ISO 717-1/2,
UNE ISO 140-4/5/7, DBHR CTE, UNE 74201, REAL DECRETO 286/2006.
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